Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alberta Cargo Delivery Quest

The Port Manager needs your help to carry some dangerous cargo that he needs to be delivered.

February 18, 2009 – March 18, 2009

Base Level 1, any job


1. Talk to the Port Manager in Alberta (90, 62). He will ask you if you’re willing to help him move some Cargo from the Port area to him. Agree and he will instruct you on what cargo to bring to him.

2. Only certain cargo boxes are available for certain levels. The NPC will only ask you to carry the number of boxes that matches your character’s base level. Below is the table of level brackets:

3. The cargo boxes are labeled from 1 – 6. You will find boxes in the shape of Mimics scattered across the Port of Alberta.


Quest can only be done once a day per character. Quest will reset 20 hours after it has been done.

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